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The best time management framework for makers

Time Management

Organizations spend roughly 15% of their time on meetings, with surveys showing that 71% of those meetings are considered unproductive. Unproductive meetings cost around 37 billion dollars per year, and 24 billion dollars are lost in work hours. One reason programmers dislike meetings so much is that they’re on a different type of schedule from other people. Meetings cost them even more. When you’re operating on the maker’s schedule, meetings are a disaster. A single meeting can blow a whole afternoon, by breaking it into two pieces each too small to do anything hard in. Plus you have to remember to go to the meeting.Understanding this made us realize that we needed a new way of managing our teams’ time at Mighty Block.

So, we used the following questions as a guideline to create a time management for our software developers team framework:

  • How do I reach my peak productivity?
  • Is multitasking effective?
  • How to avoid distractions and manage time efficiently?
  • What’s the best way to organize my schedule?
  • What to do with goal-less meetings?
  • How to handle meetings where I see no value?
  • How to prevent distractions and stay focused?

Limitations of body & mind

Before diving into the framework we designed, it’s important to understand how our mind works, what’s possible and what’s not.

This section is important because it’s common to read, specially in Twitter/X, about the Hustle Culture, the mentality that one must work all day every day in pursuit of their professional goals. However, we must acknowledge that when we are not connected to our body and emotions, we are at risk of burning out.

Is multitasking effective?

Multitasking Myth

Multitasking reduces cognitive capacity

What our brains are doing when we multitask is rapidly switching between tasks. This constant switching taxes our brain. It essentially tires it out and makes it less efficient. This particularly affects our ability to focus our attention in general, even when we are not multitasking. 

Multitasking makes us more distractible and prone to errors. For example, individuals rated as high media multitaskers (number of hours using multiple devices simultaneously, such as watching TV while also using a smart phone or tablet) showed poorer attention on cognitive tasks. 

Those individuals had to use more of their brain to complete the same task compared to low multitaskers. When you need to recruit more of your brain to complete a task, it means your brain is working less efficiently.

Multitasking: Why Your Brain Can’t Do It and What You Should Do About It – MIT

Daily cognitive budget

As Sam Altman explains in this interview, there is a daily cognitive budget of 8 high quality hours we can use before the output quality starts to decline. Put in another way: no human being can spend more than 8 hours in a day working at a high performance.


According to the sleep researcher Matt Walker, only 1-3% of the population can operate normally with only 4 hours of sleep. Unless you are in this privileged group, you need at least 7 hours of good sleep per night.

In case you are curious on how to improve your sleep habits, check out this article.

Sleeps elite

A prioritization framework

Once we have improved our performance related to both body and mind, we can begin to think strategically about how we manage our time.

This time management framework for software developers was created based on reading, iterations, and collective experiences of the team (although we think it’s useful for any modern worker).

Prioritization framework

1. Get the important things done

  • There should never be more than 2 mission-critical items to complete each day. 
  • Do them separately from start to finish without distraction
  • Extreme focus blocks (minimum 2 hours)

2. Don’t waste time

In this modern age, we are bombarded all day long, specially from Monday to Friday, by companies using multiple channels to capture our attention. Additionally, content is getting more and more addicting and our dopamine system is being hacked.

Take a look at this list:

  • Checking email in real-time
  • Receiving WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, SMS notifications from groups, family, co-workers and sales representatives
  • “Breaking News” that seem to be important (99% of the time they are not)
  • TikTok videos
  • Tweeter drama
  • Instagram stories
  • This list is endless…

3. Make lots of lists

We highly recommend making lists. Lists keep you focused, and you can review them periodically, reminding yourself of what’s important (and what’s not). They free up space in your mind—fewer things to memorize.

  1. Of the 3 tasks I need to finish today
  2. Of my goals for the quarter
  3. Of my goals for the year
  4. Of the books I want to read this year
  5. Of the goals with my partner

Lists keep you focused; you can review them anytime.

Additional tip! Visual Setup

  • The browser tabs are your best friend.
  • When focused on a Google Doc, keep it open, collapse the rest into groups.
  • While in a Goole Meet, leave it open, collapse the rest.
  • While coding, maximize the IDE, minimize the rest.
  • Disable desktop notifications for Slack, Email, WhatsApp.
  • Close WhatsApp web when focused on Meet, Google Doc, Coding.

Meetings: Do Them Right or Don’t Do Them at All

If within your role, you still have to organize or attend meetings, there are some rules that can help make them more efficient and productive. However, it’s important that you adhere to and encourage the team to follow them as well.

Meeting tips

meeting tips

L10 meeting: an efficient format for management roles

As part of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), the Level 10 Meeting (L10) creates a standard structure for productive meetings. No, really. EOS lays out a template for team meetings to focus on the most important things each week without the nonsense.

On a scale of 1 to 10, most people would rank their current meetings at a 4 or 5. In some cases, even that’s being generous. In a Level 10 Meeting, attendees focus on the most important topics to spot issues before they become bigger problems. But that doesn’t come naturally (as evidenced by the prevalence of crappy meetings). To get there, companies Running on EOS™ use the standardized L10 agenda.

What makes a L10 meeting so effective?

Because Level 10 meetings operate at a repeatable, strategic level, they provide a solid framework covering material that matters. Opinions and politicking have no place in a meeting that focuses strictly on objectives and metrics. Teams also learn to minimize tangents and sidebar conversations to cover only what matters.

In addition, the same two individuals (or their proxies during vacations) serve as the facilitator and the scribe for every meeting. This removes the question, “Who’s leading this meeting?” The same goes for the scribe role: Everyone already knows who’s taking notes. Removing this ambiguity saves precious minutes discussing and agreeing to roles in each meeting.

If you are interested in learning more about L10 and EOS, check out this article.

Please let us know if you enjoy this time management tips for software developers!

L10: The most efficient meeting

Building a Start Up Culture of Growth

Building a start up

In this article, we aim to share our approach to personal development and the cultivation of a robust start up culture, which has transformed us into a high-performance team deeply rooted in our core values.

With the management team, we had a vision: a high-performing team with strong bonds that would enable us to uphold open and honest communication. It may sound like a lot because it wasn’t a feature we could simply develop and consider “done”; it required us to embrace learning and experience some discomfort.

Core concept for a start up culture

We selected the concept coined by Carol Dweck, the ‘Growth Mindset,’ as the central theme for the year. 

In essence, the concept introduced by Carol Dweck can be summarized as follows: Individuals who believe in the potential for their talents to develop through hard work, effective strategies, and input from others possess a growth mindset. They tend to achieve more than those with a fixed mindset who believe their talents are innate gifts. This is because those with a growth mindset worry less about appearing intelligent and invest more energy into the process of learning.

When entire companies embrace a growth mindset, their employees report feeling significantly more empowered and committed. Additionally, they receive increased organizational support for collaboration and innovation. In contrast, individuals in companies primarily rooted in a fixed mindset tend to report more instances of cheating and deception among employees, presumably as an attempt to gain an advantage in the talent competition.

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

We chose this concept to serve as our guiding principle whenever our team faced an obstacle. The first thing we did was to share it with the team and reinforce it in every conversation opportunity. When designing the training for team leads, we knew it was crucial to rely on this concept to implement the changes and improvements we envisioned for our ‘Clarity Break’ training.

Victim or player?

But how did we first come to embrace this concept? We have a Friday tradition that has been with us since the first day of Mighty Block: Crypto Research. Originally, it was a forum where we discussed various topics related to crypto that had been researched. This was crucial in the early days of the company when the crypto industry was rapidly expanding, and our team was relatively new to blockchain. It was essential to stay updated on all the latest developments.

However, recently, it became tedious to find a NEW topic for research related with crypto. We would prepare it without enthusiasm, procrastinate, and so on.

Viktor Frankl

To address this issue, we began to contemplate the two models, framed by the ‘victim vs. protagonist’ dichotomy introduced by Freddy Coffman. What does a victim do when they don’t like Crypto Research? They complain, get frustrated, and kick it – were some of the responses we received. 

On the other hand, as protagonists, we seized an opportunity during a workshop we held in Cordoba. Together, we designed a new format, made commitments, and implemented the change. We would no longer confine ourselves to a single topic (crypto), but instead, we would include subjects that positively impact our daily lives. Additionally, we could invite guests and introduce special editions featuring panel discussions. Change the name help us to not limited ourselves and give to  “the mighty show” a new beginning

Cordoba Workshop 2023
The team working in Cordoba Workshop

Open and Honest Feedback

In order to learn from each other, take more risks, and grow as a team, we needed to ensure that we had the skills to provide feedback in an open and honest manner. That’s why it was essential to dedicate time during the workshop we held in Buenos Aires to discuss those ‘monsters’ that make us hesitant when it comes to giving feedback.

Feedback monsters
The monsters Mb team draw

Fears of having to take on extra tasks, fear of hurting someone else’s feelings, fear of being wrong in my assessment, among others – identifying these fears helped us. We created actions in collaboration with the leads to ‘combat’ them and encourage each other to embrace the open and honest mindset. Later, during a virtual discussion, we explored the best tips for effective communication when giving feedback. We reviewed do’s and don’ts to enhance our feedback process.

Learning from Mistakes

Mistakes are a fundamental source of learning in a start up culture, and we’ve been discussing what happens to us when we make mistakes, the emotions and feelings we experience, and how we can make the most out of our errors. In a special session of our Friday “Mighty Block Show”, we learned that the key to evolving from the traditional concept of failure is not to view success and failure as a binary but to incorporate them into the learning process.

We shared our experiences with error and took away some key insights: When we’re trying to resolve an error, it’s beneficial to take a moment to clear our minds, seek help, and breathe. When someone shares a problem or mistake they’ve encountered, it’s essential to assist and make them feel comfortable and supported. We emphasized not getting caught up in the mistakes – they don’t define us.

John Wooden - mistakes

Strong Growth Workshop – Key Takeaways

At our start up culture, we have a unique tradition. Every quarter, we come together as a team for an entire week. During our recent gathering, we revisited the invaluable lessons we’ve learned throughout the year.

With the theme of ” Strong Growth” in mind, we approached our learning experience in a playful way. We incorporated various games to enhance our understanding of these lessons. We recognized that mistakes are an integral part of the learning process; they are the stepping stones to success. We also acknowledged the value of maintaining a player’s attitude – being open to new challenges and eager to explore uncharted territories. We also learned that frustration and expectations often go hand in hand. By acknowledging this fact, we can navigate our professional journeys with greater resilience and a clear perspective.

One of the most exciting outcomes of our learning journey was the construction of a Jenga tower. This tower, where each block represented our learnings and experiences, serves as a symbol of our team’s commitment to growth and our evolving organizational start up culture. It visually represents how we stack our achievements, learn from our failures, and build a stronger and more resilient team.

Start up culture learnings
Mighty Block learning tower

Incorporating playful learning into our professional development has not only made our quarterly gatherings more enjoyable but has also proven to be an effective way to drive our team’s personal and collective growth. We look forward to the upcoming quarters with renewed enthusiasm, ready to embrace the challenges and successes!

Check out this video with our experience in the last workshop.

Startup Culture: The Driving Force Behind Mighty Block Success

Mighty Block - StartUp Culture

At Mighty Block, we believe in the power of core values. They are the compass that guides us through our work and interactions, shaping our company startup culture. In a previous article, we introduced “How we create our culture and values”.

Today, I want to take you on a journey behind the scenes and share how our team plays a vital role in shaping them.These values are important to us because they reflect our commitment to excellence, innovation, and teamwork. We believe that these values will help us to achieve our goals and build a successful company.

Guiding Our Every Move

Our core values go beyond being a mere checklist; they are the fuel that drives our organization forward and we bear the responsibility of setting the tone by exemplifying these values through our own actions. It shows all how to make difficult decisions that align with our core values, recognizing and rewarding those who consistently embody them, and ensuring that we hold ourselves and our team accountable whenever we fall short.

When core values are at the heart of our organization, they become a total game-changer in attracting the right people. It draws in the right people, while making the wrong ones stick out like a sore thumb.

It’s as simple as this: when you’re surrounded by a team who shares the core values, you thrive in an environment that feels like home, where everyone just clicks and works together seamlessly.

On the contrary, those who do not align with them become easily noticeable, feeling out of place and ultimately exiting the company. Simple—the right people thrive in an environment that shares the same core values.

As an example of guiding, when recruiting candidates at Mighty Block, we asked ourselves who represented better each of our values, giving us the advantage to get not only the more qualified candidates but also those who share our same startup culture. Resulting an immediate alignment and full involvement of each new member.

Shaping Core Values: Where It Begins

The journey of shaping our core values begins with clear identification and articulation. We must communicate our values in a way that is simple, memorable, and actionable. The remarkable aspect of our core values is that they were not imposed from the top down; they emerged from within our team.

To make this happen, we’ve got our very own core values ambassadors. Not just a phrase in the bord but someone in real life that represents it.

We came up with a monthly recognition program. We shine a spotlight on specific situations where one of our team members has seriously gone above and beyond to live out one of our core values. We’re talking about real-life examples of someone who’s totally owning it, day in and day out. By doing this, we not only celebrate their awesomeness, but we also show how much these core values matter to us as a team.

So if you were to ask anyone about our values, they’d instantly think of someone on our team who represents it. It’s like having your own personal mentor or guide for each and every value.Once we’ve got that level of clarity and personal connection, most of the work is done. Our core values become more than just some abstract concepts—they become our guiding compass for making decisions and tackling challenges. It’s like having a compass that always points us in the right direction. Every single member of our team can rely on these core values to guide their actions because we all understand and embrace them, its a teamwork effort of our startup culture.

it’s not just about having a fancy list of values. It’s about infusing them into our team’s DNA and making them a part of everything we do.

With our incredible core values ambassadors and the power of recognition, we’re building a strong startup culture where these values truly come alive. It’s been quite a journey, but it’s worth every single step.

Caring for Our Core Values

When our team fully embodies the core values, it becomes our responsibility to nurture and care for them. It’s not just about leaving it at that. This responsibility falls on all of us, not just a chosen few.

Whenever we have a question or face a challenge, we can always turn to them for some solid guidance. They’re our compass, pointing us in the right direction when we need it most.We’ve gotta foster our startup culture where making tough decisions and embracing discomfort becomes second nature. That’s how we build a team that’s always ready to take on whatever comes our way.

Understanding our team’s core values provides us with a distinct advantage—it enables us to empathize with our team members on a whole different level. This understanding is key to meeting their needs, predicting challenges before they arise, and making good decisions.
When companies lack core values or fail to uphold them, working in alignment becomes difficult, leading to missed opportunities and poor working environment.

Caring a startup culture starts by hiring the right people, caring for team members, leading by example, acknowledging people’s achievements, building relationships, and establishing missions and goals.

The Magic of Aligned Values

In my experience, shaping our core values was an extraordinary exercise. It became one of the most crucial processes on my agenda, and the outcome was nothing short of thrilling. Aligning the team to the startup culture, shared by all and demonstrated daily as examples of what is right, has transformed my way to operate. With this alignment, we witness tasks being accomplished with remarkable ease and exceptional quality.

Personally, one of the most significant tasks I’ve undertaken is getting to know the unique characteristics and values of each team member and sharing with them the collective responsibility of safeguarding our core values. This process has allowed us to foster an environment of openness and honesty, enabling us to collaborate more effectively as a cohesive unit. I can’t emphasize enough how fulfilling it is to witness the positive impact of working together towards a shared vision.

To guide us in this journey, we have adopted the EOS methodology. This methodology emphasizes the importance of combining core values and core focus to create what is referred to as the “Company Soul.” According to EOS, companies with strong core values and focus not only perform better but also possess a unique “X” factor that leads to success. At Mighty Block, we are creating our own Company Soul—a collective essence that drives us forward.

Mighty Block Team - Cordoba Workshop

The team at Mighty Block truly understands the significance of shaping and nurturing our core values. They are not mere words on a board but rather the guiding principles that define us. By leading by example and fostering our startup culture of accountability, we attract and retain exceptional talent that aligns with our values. They have become an intrinsic part of our decision-making process and have empowered us to tackle challenges with confidence.

As we continue on our journey, we look forward to the merging of our core values and core focus to forge our Company Soul . I invite you to join us on this adventure as we write the next exciting chapter in the Mighty Block story.

We are always looking for Web3 talent !

Mighty Block is one of the partners of Forte, a platform to enable game publishers to easily integrate blockchain technologies into their games. We believe blockchain will enable new economic and creative opportunities for gamers around the world and have assembled a team of proven veterans from across the industry (Kabam, Unity, GarageGames, ngmoco, Twitch, Disney), as well as a $100M developer fund & $725M funding, to help make it happen. That’s where you come into play.

Feel free to browse all our current open job opportunities in the following link 👇

How Mighty Block gamifies the work experience

gamification work

Playing is the most original form of human learning, and gaming brings a new way of problem solving to the business world. Gamification is all about taking the features that make games so engaging and applying them in other kinds of activities. There are many ways of gamifying the employee experience and the work environment.

Let’s take a look at some common techniques we used at Mighty Block to have fun while achieving goals while working.

But first, What does a gamification activity have to have?

There are many different features that can be applied to gamify an activity such as:

  • The use of rewards, points and achievements to motivate the team to reach a certain goal or to participate in a specific activity.
  • Badges that reward players for achieving something important
  • Leaderboards that show how players stack up against the competition
  • Missions that help employees make meaningful decisions in a gaming environment
  • Checkpoints that mark progress toward a goal

Gamification used to generate team bonding

In 2022 the Mihgty Bloclk team grew very quickly. We celebrated our first anniversary in July, doubling the headcount from January.

There were a lot of questions about the new team members: their roles, objectives and also their experiences. 

So we decided to help the team get to know each other better, but how?

One of the first workshops took place in July 2022: For the very first time the team was all together. Before the workshop, we asked the team for a picture from their childhood. However, they did not know the objective of it. With these pictures we made a big mural and numbered each of them.

Mighty Block's team
The team playing

Upon their arrival on the first day, they found the mural and then we set the game’s rules:

  • Everyone has to write on a doc which picture corresponds to which member of the team
  • Then we reveal the correct name of each picture
  • If they guess correctly, they get 1 point
  • The player with most points wins a reward

It was a very special event because the team not only had a fun time, but was able to share more about their personal lives.

It was a moment where we could move from our professional mindset and connect from a personal point of view.

Gamification used to Learn – Defi challenge

As we are on a mission to bring Web3 products to the masses, the team should have  experience using the most used tools because their knowledge helps us to build better products. We realised that we had a gap to fill in this field so the team created the “defi challenge”

The main objective was to learn about Decentralised Finance, and have fun! The challenge has 2 levels and each one has specific goals such as: Download and install Metamask , obtain a token using a Decentralised Exchange or Mint an NFT using a marketplace, open a lend/supply position and stake a coin.

The competitor that saves more gas (expressed in ETH) receives a Gas Saver badge. Also, there is a special mention for the Gas Guzzler 

At the end of the first edition, we got great insights:

🚀Level 1 was completed by 100% of the participants and they acquired knowledge of: Web3, decentralised protocols, NFTs platforms and token management.

🚀100% of the level 2 participants acquired knowledge of: lending/staking, complex DeFi protocols and operations with NFTs. 

🚀Possible Web3 projects were identified as a result of the experience during the challenge

Gamification used to create a shared purpose 

In this article, we talked about how we design some Mighty Blog culture elements (Edgar Schein). As we described, to design our core values we created a fictional scenario in order to introduce the team in a creative way. 

We imagine an unreal situation where we need to clone 3 people from the team to achieve a big goal.

With a description of the team characteristics we wrote a very long list of abilities, capabilities, highly valued skills and this was the base for the core value design.

The gamification in this example was to set up an unrealistic environment, with us as players or main characters in a big story. We use Storytelling with the purpose of engaging the team in the activity: creating the culture elements.

Playing a game together to define our core values was key to establishing our culture. When we talk about having a “white belt attitude” or being “team players”, we know exactly what we mean because everyone on the team was involved in its creation and development.

Finally: don’t forget to have fun

The success of the gamification method is that people have fun while achieving another objective at work. Several investigations highlighted the importance of fun and laughter. For example, it improves short term memory, reduces stress and protects against heart disease.

“Focusing on the good isn’t just about overcoming our inner grump to see the glass half full. It’s about opening our minds to the ideas and opportunities that will help us be more productive, effective and successful at work and in life”, says The Happiness Advantage author Shawn Achor, an expert on happiness psychology.

We can conclude that having fun has a lot of benefits for our wellness, and it has a huge impact on our company culture, so let’s encourage ourselves to start gamifying our day-to-day.

We are always looking for Web3 talent !

Mighty Block is one of the partners of Forte, a platform to enable game publishers to easily integrate blockchain technologies into their games. We believe blockchain will enable new economic and creative opportunities for gamers around the world and have assembled a team of proven veterans from across the industry (Kabam, Unity, GarageGames, ngmoco, Twitch, Disney), as well as a $100M developer fund & $725M funding, to help make it happen. That’s where you come into play.

Feel free to browse all our current open job opportunities in the following link 👇

Culture, team, and games amidst the World Cup

blockchain gaming

The World Cup is here and at Mighty Block we love football. As most of our team is Argentinian (me included) and we cannot help our fandom for our national team. We’ve been waiting and preparing for this event for months and we created a betting smart contract football game for it, exclusively for Mighty Block’s team facilitated by blockchain technology on the Polygon blockchain with a smart contract. How did this project came to be? Follow me on this adventure as I tell you the tale of this game and how company culture helps to build amazing things while having fun and being responsible.

The “prode”

During the World Cup it’s very traditional that every group of friends would have a ‘dealer’ that would organize what we call ‘Prode’. This is basically a betting game that consists in everybody submitting their guesses on match results and some type of point system is set up, for example:

  • 10 points if you guess winner and scores
  • 7 points if you guess winner and one of the scores
  • 5 points if you guess winner but not score
  • 2 points if you guess one score but not winner
  • 0 points otherwise

This same person gathers money (the same amount) from everybody. After all matches have been played, the group gathers, the ‘dealer’ shows the results and rewards the winners (usually first, second and third places) with all the money gathered.

This system is heavily dependent on the ‘dealer’ keeping everything orderly and transparent, usually this ends up with discussions about rules, points, how much money was gathered, if the dealer changed any result, etc. This leads naturally to:

  • Ban this type of betting in a professional setting (since it can create issues between the team) or change the dynamic of the game, where the company funds the reward and there’s not betting per sé.
  • Ban the ‘dealer’ from participating in the betting.
  • Even when all the above happen, there is still a sense of distrust in the dealer after the game ended.

As the World Cup was getting closer and closer and everybody at the office started gossiping about the players, the news (and even one of our coworkers went to Qatar himself!) a light bulb went on. What if we make this heavily centralized and ugly betting game into a trustless system facilitated by Blockchain and Smart Contracts? (A smart contract football game!)c.µ.

Just like that, our minds started running, we were thinking of ways to make this happen. How would it look? Where do we take the results from? Do we use an oracle? How do we split the reward? What would happen if there is a tie?. As programmers we could not help our anxiety in any other way than coding the damn thing. 

We spent 4 hours making this solidity Smart Contract in the dirtiest way possible, following no guidelines of clean, scalable and sustainable code. After all it was an MVP of a joke, we were not planning to really do this, right?

Ok, let’s back up. How did we end up here? Why on earth are we working on an MVP of a joke instead of working on our clients needs on company time?

Mighty blocks culture policies

At Mighty Block we take culture very seriously. A very important exercise was done approximately 6 months ago, were HR gathered ‘the most important thing that you value from a teammate’ and distilled a list of core values that we as an organization value.

At first sight, it doesn’t sound at all special. Just another set of empty words that nobody follows. Well, this is where Mighty Block makes the difference. 

You can read more about that process here, but TL;DR, the HR team listed the things that we REALLY value, not just a poster on a wall, these are the things that we want to keep and grow:

Quarterly face-to-face workshops

Mighty Block is a fully remote company, we have teammates all around the world yet once a quarter we try to meet face-to-face. Our HR team makes a great effort to make this week as productive, fun and fulfilling as possible. These meetings really help to spark inspiration and to show our new team members how we put into practice the core values. It’s not forced indoctrination, rather it’s simply making how we work transparent to the whole team and since our core values express that, the newcomers can sense and learn that.

What does all of this have to do with the ‘Prode’ project? Well, everything. Our ‘real’ project (the one our client was paying for) was under control and the client was happy with our productivity at the time. We were not crunching nor under a lot of pressure. On the other hand, we were sure that if the Prode project failed, nobody would tell us off, it would go against most core values and if we succeeded building the Prode and found ways to circumvent all the issues, Mighty Block would support us and facilitate all the resources needed to make it happen. 

It was a can’t lose type of situation

Only in that state of mind can you make progress in a relaxed, healthy, fun and productive manner. It was not only important, it was the key for being able to make this project a reality, otherwise it would have been a comment, a joke, a thought, but never a real thing.

The smart contract was just the beginning

Writing the smart contract was just the beginning of our adventure. After this rush of adrenaline and inspiration we had a rough, untested and dirty smart contract that did the thing. We had a Prode v0.1. After making sure that no big barrier would prevent us from making the World Cup Prode a reality, we pitched our smart contract football game idea with HR, they loved the project and we started thinking on what else we should add. Ideas started flowing, adrenaline went down and we planned our next steps.

How to make this work in a professional setting? The smart contract plays the ‘dealer’ role here, so that helps a lot but also Mighty Block funded the prize. So no betting, just a company game.

Mb team Coding
Uri and Boro coding

But interacting with a smart contract is a very annoying thing, we needed a frontend and that’s where the rest of the team comes to play. Most of the development of this project happened in the span of 5 days, during one of our quarterly workshops. While Ignacio and I were writing (and now testing and refactoring) the Smart Contract, the rest of the team heard our conversation and started asking questions, everybody was excited to try it!

Julian, our frontender, was one the excited coworkers, he offered to build a frontend for us. He had no experience making a dApp, so it was a learning experience for everybody involved. I helped to connect the frontend with the Smart contract while Ignacio was finishing tests and HR was deciding the proper prize.

During Julian’s process he had questions about UX, Constanza, our UXer, helped with that. 

Juli working on the Smart Contract Football game frontend

Overall it was a team project, a great experience not only for building the technology and then playing with the game we created on real time during the world cup, but also a bonding experience. Next time I have a question I’m more confident asking Constanza, Julian or Ignacio. The whole team sees this vibe of having fun and building stuff together, and wants to join in, the best example of this is our participation rate of 95%, almost the whole team played the game. This is a positive feedback loop that we need to nourish and nurture, that’s our philosophy, that’s why we have core values and that’s why we do what we do.

Follow us

We are always looking for Web3 talent !

Mighty Block is one of the partners of Forte, a platform to enable game publishers to easily integrate blockchain technologies into their games. We believe blockchain will enable new economic and creative opportunities for gamers around the world and have assembled a team of proven veterans from across the industry (Kabam, Unity, GarageGames, ngmoco, Twitch, Disney), as well as a $100M developer fund & $725M funding, to help make it happen. That’s where you come into play.

Feel free to browse all our current open job opportunities in the following link 👇

Our learning Culture

Mighty Block

In Mighty Block we genuinely believe that people’s learning process has a powerful impact on oneself and on the entire team. Learning is the reason for little and big changes in people and also companies.

According to the Society for HR Management (SHRM), A learning culture “consists of a community of workers instilled with a ‘growth mindset.’ People not only want to learn and apply what they’ve learned to help their organization, they also feel compelled to share their knowledge with others.”

How do we develop a culture of learning in Mighty Block?

Web3 has a singular environment: every day you are learning something new. We always stay up to date by focusing on cutting edge technology. This is the reason why learning must be present as the foundation of the company. Culture is the principal intangible enabler of learning.

When we designed our Core Values at Mighty Block the open attitude to learn was at the forefront of the process. We called it: “White Belt Attitude”. For us, it means that  the learning process never ends. The more we know, the more we acknowledge what we don’t know.

If you want to know more about our core values, our last blog article is here.

Mighty Block
Always a white belt attitude

How do we implement the “White Belt Attitude” core value?

Peer Connecting: When we asked the Mighty Block team about the latest topics they actually learnt they answered that it takes place in informal conversations where they can debate and share about the projects that they are working on. No formal training, or tutorials. 

It’s possible because of the horizontal communication: On spaces and connections such as workshops, slacks channels, etc. everybody has their own voice, could ask and answer. No questions are silly questions. It helps people bring ideas and perspectives together. The output is always new learning, and the most important reason is the team: experienced and full of “servant heart” attitude. (Servant heart is also one of our core Values: Always ready to help attitude. Serving others makes us all better.)

The challenges of the product we are building: No matter how experienced they are, each new member takes a humble attitude -as a beginner to learn everything about our technologies and product. The kind of product we develop challenges us to be updated and always learning. It makes us reach out to learn, do research, ask questions and look for the best way to perform. It motivates us to be better. 

Recruiting Process: To ensure our learning culture over time each new hire should show the White Belt Attitude since the very first interview. Our recruiting process was designed to get to know each other. It means that at the end of the interviews, we will have a clear picture about the cultural fit with our Core Values. The interview set includes: Cultural Fit interview, Technical Interviews, Tech challenges, etc.

Activities at Mighty Block that incentivize the White belt Attitude

Crypto Research 

Every Friday at 12, Crypto Research meetings take place.

In each session, one team member presents a crypto related topic and shares what they have been researching as well as their findings and learnings. The rest of the team also participates in the presentation by asking questions and debating.

The first crypto research meeting took place within the initial weeks of Mighty Block.

The team investigated and did a lot of research on this topic every week, so we finally organised these meetings to share the discoveries.

Now, these meetings have become the perfect environment to learn something new every week. 

Mighty Block's team
Despite the fact that “crypto research” is always a virtual meeting, on November workshop we did it face to face

Defi Challenge

As well as developing web3 products, the entire team needs to have basic knowledge about Web3, decentralized protocols, NFTs platforms and token management.

So, we decided to make it fun and challenging. Every quarter a new level starts and it has different tasks to complete such as: Install a non custodial wallet, obtain a ERC 20 token, mint a nft, stake a coin, etc. The winner is whoever holds the most ETH at the time of the final settlement.

We identify a lot of learnings because of our mistakes: We spend unnecessary gass, be scammed, and obtain unuseful tokens. But we help each other when the inexperienced need a guide or a new task is very challenging, we share our learnings and new knowledge.

The “Mighty Blog”

Since the beginning the Mighty Blog purpose was to generate a space to share the team knowledge and learnings. Is a big opportunity to share with the world our expertise in the Blockchain space, leaving a mark in the ecosystem, and provide help to the community.

But blogging helps us to learn so many new skills and abilities (i.e: Writing for different audiences, choosing a topic). The process when we write and the content we research also builds our knowledge.

We have already published 9 articles from 8 members of our team. On October 31, we reached 999 views on our own content! We are very proud and excited about what’s coming on (new topics, new podcast episodes).


The Mighty Block team loves to learn and we try to  identify this attribute in all candidates since the first interview. Our challenge was to design a learning culture and strategies which works as an amplifier that encourages both the love of learning and the opportunity to learn.

Mixing creative spaces and activities with traditional training when needed was the strategy we implemented to keep the flame of curiosity alive.

We are always looking for Web3 talent !

Mighty Block is one of the partners of Forte, a platform to enable game publishers to easily integrate blockchain technologies into their games. We believe blockchain will enable new economic and creative opportunities for gamers around the world and have assembled a team of proven veterans from across the industry (Kabam, Unity, GarageGames, ngmoco, Twitch, Disney), as well as a $100M developer fund & $725M funding, to help make it happen. That’s where you come into play.

Feel free to browse all our current open job opportunities in the following link 👇

How we create our culture and values

Mighty Block team

Recently, we celebrated Mighty Block’s First Anniversary. This is a major milestone in the culture of a startup. That was the perfect time to share the final version of our core values to the team, and to remember how we got to this place. In this period, the company developed a healthy and strong culture that engages talented people and we want to share it with you through an interview with Franco Breciano, Mighty Block’s founder and CEO.

How could you describe the philosophy behind Mighty Block Culture?

FB: After going through the exercise of identifying the core values of the company, it became clear to me that the team values people who are a combination of talent, humbleness and serving other team members.

Another important pillar that was present throughout the exercise was the education piece. All the team members are hungry for knowledge and learning, because we are immersed in a very innovative and nascent space, which is Web3. Nobody has experience, regulators are still learning, the active user base is still small and the infrastructure is being built, just like in 1998.

I’m glad that the eight core values really reflect situations we’ve lived through. With our set of core values, we can now refer to them with words and quickly align our thinking. For example, when recruiting, it’s now easy to say “This candidate does not have a white belt attitude” and know exactly what the other person is talking about.

Mighty Block´s Team
Mighty Block´s Team

Why is launching the company’s core values such a milestone?

FB: Being happy at work is important for all of us. And when everything is ok with your job, but you are working with other members that don’t share your core values and views of the world, that can make your work miserable.

We have this clear since day one, so we waited for the right moment to gather the team and reflect on what makes us want to show up and build web3 products as a team. It’s such an important milestone because it means there is a critical mass of happy people at the company and there is a shared set of values that for us are important.

I personally think that companies with a high percentage of knowledge workers (nowadays more remote than ever) will have to come up with ways of staying united and having a strong culture, or otherwise they will lose talent to other companies that do have a well defined culture.

Here are some additional benefits of having the core values crystal clear:

  • Define your culture. Your core values will set the tone of your organization. They will be the underlying foundation and character of your business and the people in it.
  • Change the way you do business. When you have a solid foundation, everything else falls in to place. It gives you a standard to hold to, and helps you operate more efficiently.
  • Attract like-minded people to your organization. When you have a clear set of values, potential employees and customers who have the same values will recognize them and seek you out.
  • Weed out employees who are not a fit. Adhering to your core values will quickly identify who in your organization is not on board. Whether they leave on their own or are helped out the door, you will have an opportunity to fill the position with someone who shares in and believes in your values.
  • Dictate how you review, reward and recognize your employees. Your employees will know what is required and have a clearer understanding of your expectations. Core Values give you a measurable standard, and make it easier for you to show appreciation and recognition to your support team.

Could you describe the process behind the core values definition?

FB: We are using the EOS methodology. Having a clear set of Core Values is the first step in establishing your organization’s Vision. Core Values identify who you are as a company, and offer guidelines and principles that help you run your business.

Establishing your business’s Core Values is not just a matter of sitting down with a piece of paper for a 15 minute brainstorming session. Defining your company’s core values is not a staff team project. 

EOS recommends a more systematic approach, which involves a series of four steps taken during an offsite meeting with your key management team. Core Values steer the direction of your company, so they should not be complicated or overwhelming:

  1. Introduction to Core Values: we selected the group which had more than six months in the company because we needed to capture the attributes that they thought were very important from their teammates. We did a brief intro to EOS and explained why the Core Values were important for the company and to preserve the culture
  2. Identify attributes: we asked each participant to think of the 3 team members that they would like to clone. Those people that they love to work and interact with.
  3. Keep, Kill, Combine: once every participant submits his/her list of people and the attributes that makes them great, the Integrator must kill the ones that are not “Core Value material”, or are just attributes of the person that are not common in other people. Also the Integrator must combine duplicate or similar attributes and keep the ones that have the most potential. The result is a short list of up to 10 core values.
  4. Polish the Core Values & Communicate: finally, the short list of attributes must be polished with a clear and descriptive language. And they must be presented to all the team. We presented the core values at the office. I highly recommend this approach, maybe in the town hall or on a special occasion with many members gathered in the same space.

How do the core values work in practice?

FB: Once the core values are identified, it’s crucial to embed them into the day to day of the company. It just can’t be a list in a poster at the office that nobody notices.

Core Values are at the heart of all our processes. Some initiatives that are based on them:

Hiring: Our recruiting process was designed to identify if the candidate fit with our culture. Is not just a Hr responsability, all the team when interview someone, are looking for how they are aligned with our core value.

Recognition: A month ago we launched our core value-based recognition program to develop an appreciation culture and to reinforce particular behaviors, practices, or activities that result in cultural engagement.

If we have a people issue, we look for the core value behind the problem, to fix it.

To evaluate ourselves and to decide if somebody must leave the team.

What is the best part of working at Mighty block?

FB: Working with super smart people that have many years of experience and yet accept the fact that in web3 we are all amateurs. Also, transparency and being direct without taking things personally makes life easier for everybody and helps us recalibrate quickly when things go in the wrong direction.

Last but not least, we introduce our core values:

Migthy Block

If you have any questions, comments you could contact us and we could share our experience deeply.

We are always looking for Web3 talent !

Mighty Block is one of the partners of Forte, a platform to enable game publishers to easily integrate blockchain technologies into their games. We believe blockchain will enable new economic and creative opportunities for gamers around the world and have assembled a team of proven veterans from across the industry (Kabam, Unity, GarageGames, ngmoco, Twitch, Disney), as well as a $100M developer fund & $725M funding, to help make it happen. That’s where you come into play.

Feel free to browse all our current open job opportunities in the following link 👇

Working Around the World – A start up remote culture experience

Mighty Block web3

Remote culture experience allows us to work while enjoying different landscapes, cultures and opportunities. It sounds like a dream on the outside, but on the inside it could be a little bit challenging for multiple reasons. 

It Is not breaking news that the pandemic helps organisations to be more flexible and let employees work remotely, even at the most traditional companies. 

Three of our team members had the experience of a lifetime and shared it with us. 

Dario, a nomad tech lead

Dario is our tech lead. He has been working in MB for almost a year. Now he is working from Mexico with his girlfriend, after spending 3 months in Chile. 

We asked him to share some feedback about his experience, and he suggests starting with baby steps. “We went to Chile to start with a place closer to Argentina. We had always visited Chile on vacation and this was a good opportunity to get to know it better”. 

Additionally he brought extra luggage in order to take professional photos with his own equipment.

Visiting other countries was the perfect opportunity to practise his most beloved hobbie: photography. 

He took some courses in Argentina but had no time to practise it. The new landscapes and wildlife motivated him to come back to this.

Dario’s final advice:  “Don’t pack a lot. You will regret it if you want to move to different destinations. A good idea could be to ask someone at the destination for some advice, or be prepared to buy something if you forgot it.

Overall, the entire experience was absolutely positive! He learned about other mindsets and enjoyed new landscapes.

Remote culture experience
Atacama´s Glayzers – Photo By Dario Pizzio

Belen in Spain

Belen is one of Mighty Block’s Product Managers. In May, she decided to spend one month in Spain. She wanted to experience Menorca, Valencia & Barcelona off the beaten path and live like a local for a while. She has been there several times just for vacation.

The idea of working for an entire month in Spain appealed to her boyfriend who also works in technology services. Their experience could be named “code and travel”.

She mentioned that not having a travelling busy agenda helps them to do low-cost travelling, because you have the opportunity to choose your flights, apartments, etc. That allowed them to meet old friends again in the Netherlands and Spain and also visit nearby places over the weekend such as Sitges and Tarragona.

But on the other hand, she struggled to work from different time zones, because her time was on a different schedule. She defines herself as a “morning person”, so working until 10 pm was a bit challenging.

Belen final advice: To minimise the timezone difference she suggests choosing a comfortable place to work from. Be sure to have a good internet connection, a chair, good illumination, etc.

Emiliano a expert in remote culture experience

Emiliano also is working from Spain. The most difficult thing at the beginning was to change his daily routine. All the mornings are free, and he has a new routine. For example, he loves doing research. He’s focused on blockchain and cryptocurrencies. During breakfast,  check all the news and threads related to blockchain. Also, he makes a list of all the new exciting things that I need to study deeper, like new protocols, papers, or proposals.

Also, this is made up for the possibility of trekking on different routes since the area where he lives (Asturias) has sea and mountains. A different route every single day is amazing! His favourite is The Picu Pienzu route from Mirador del Fitu. It’s a fantastic route to the Pienzu summit, located in Sierra Del Sueve, between the sea and the mountains. From that point, you can see the sea and the big mountains from Picos De Europa, genuinely amazing.

Additionally at those exciting experiences, in Mighty Block we believe that remote culture experience has other benefits: First of all, “remote first” helps to have more direct communication. How many times have you said “this meeting could have been a chat”?

Secondly, it increases accountability because work is guided mainly by self-discipline and intrinsic motivation. Lastly, all the team have a better work life balance.

If you are looking to implement a remote culture experience on your company, this are our pieces of advice

  • Collaboration Tools will be the network that keeps the team on the same page:  Slack, Confluence, etc. 
  • A Strong onboarding path will be useful to new hires, because they will need to know who is who and how the company works to feel they are part of the team. It should include the tech training they will need to perform the tasks more efficiently.
  • Plan regularly Face to face meetings and activities are fundamental to build the team rapport and bounce new ideas off of each other.
  • Well defined and organised process to guide the team so they would be able to do their job correctly even when nobody is there to help with the basic questions.
  • Last, but not least: A team player-culture centric is needed for remote work success. One of our core values is about being a team player. It means for us that no matter where you are in the world, we are always a team. We have each other’s back. We never feel alone, the team is much bigger than us. If you don’t have the team player mindset, then working remotely is out of the question.

We are always looking for Web3 talent !

Mighty Block is one of the partners of Forte, a platform to enable game publishers to easily integrate blockchain technologies into their games. We believe blockchain will enable new economic and creative opportunities for gamers around the world and have assembled a team of proven veterans from across the industry (Kabam, Unity, GarageGames, ngmoco, Twitch, Disney), as well as a $100M developer fund & $725M funding, to help make it happen. That’s where you come into play.

Feel free to browse all our current open job opportunities in the following link 👇